Every project starts with a friendly and uncommitted conversation where you can tell us about your project. You send us the breif through Briefing Form. Once you submit, your new client area login is also created which you can use to keep track discussion and quotes.
A detailed review is carried out of all the elements of your design & brief, as soon as we receive them. We work with you to solidify the specs, budget, timeline and terms of your project and send final quote for your approval.
An invoice is sent as soon as the quote is approved. Invoice(s) can be viewed/payed through client area. Once the payment has been made as per the payment terms approved in the quote, we will book your order.
We'll set up a new GIT repository for your project, add development frameworks, designs and store it on a secure server. This ensures that your project has all the necessary ingredients for developers to cook it fast and with good quality standards.
This is where front-end developers start coding HTML & CSS according to the specs. First all common elements are created and then elements specific to individual pages are developed. Any JS you may have requested is implemented in last.
Your project moves on to backend developers if you have requested for it, where they put there magic to bring static pages to life. All development is done on developer machine until things are ready for a preview.
Once front-end and/or back-end development is done we put a preview of your project on our preview server. This preview is password protected and only you can view it. You can start providing feedback while our QA team begins there work.
Each developer monitor the quality of their own code throughout the process, but in this step the project is tested against our QA checklist. Various tools are used to pixel perfect, validate and cross browser check the web pages.
Once project passes our QA checklist and you are also happy with the previews, we update you on the completion of your project. Files are made available through client area, so you can download the project files at your convenience.
Our service doesn’t end when we hand you the finished code. Have trouble or found a bug down the road, we’ll fix it for free. Require changes in existing projects? Login to client area and send us a new work order anytime.