Netlings guarantees a 100% refund for the following reasons:
In order to invoke this guarantee, you must first explain the reasons for this decision in a manner such that Netlings can learn from them. Once the guarantee is invoked and you have been refunded, you have no rights on the files and code created by us for the project and so it should not be used by you in any form on production site.
Netlings respects your professional artwork and will only use it to assist you with your goals. Your copyrights will remain yours.
Netlings will not take your artwork for use on any other site, resell it, or give it to anyone under any circumstance.
Netlings guarantees that all information that you share with us, including artwork, contact information, and client notes will remain confidential.
Netlings will never contact your clients or the clients of your clients. We respect your business.
Netlings may disclose Confidential Information if compelled to by law, or other professional duty. Netlings will provide first provide (wherever possible) with prior notice in sufficient time to allow client to obtain urgent interlocutory relief in relation to the potential disclosure.
Netlings don't charge anything extra for fixing issues. An issue is an error or bug which needs to be fixed. Anytime you find an issue within the scope of work we did on the project, you cna le t us know and we will fix it free of charge.
When you visit Netlings you provide us with two types of information: personal information you knowingly choose to disclose that is collected by us, and Website use information collected by us as you interact with our Web Site.
When you order a project you provide us with two types of information: personal information and information about your project which you choose to disclose to us.
You provide us with certain personal information, such as your name, email address, company name. We also collect which country you are located in. This is necessary to know the timezone so that we can communicate and deliver projects accordingly.
You provide us with your project information, including the project details, project budget and your selected payment option.
When you visit Netlings, we collect your browser type and IP address. This is done via Google Analytics and a custom IP detection script which makes an inferred guess at which country you are in. This information is gathered for all Netlings visitors.
When ordering a project via the form, your project information is sent out to the Netlings team. We use this information to carry out the project for you, to bill you for services provided, and to contact you about your project when necessary.
We will not disclose any information about your project to anyone outside Netlings. We will not display your project in our portfolio without first getting your approval.
When paying upfront for a project via Paypal, you are redirected to the Paypal site so we never need to know your Paypal information.
The browser type and IP address information we collect is used to improve the quality of the Netlings website and Service, for statistics and for research.
Your information will not be sold to or shared with other companies or organisations for commercial purposes.
The Netlings website and Service has industry standard security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse, and alteration of the information under our control. While there is no such thing as "perfect security" on the internet, we will take all reasonable steps to insure the safety of your information.
Additionally, you retain all rights of ownership to the data you have stored on the Netlings Service. We will not sell or share this data with any third-parties or use this data to compete with you or advertise to your clients. Your privacy and the privacy of your clients are of utmost importance to us.